المشفى الأولى في تركيا

Some suffer from complete tooth loss as a result of recognizing a circumstance, and tooth loss is a serious problem that directly affects human health, as it loses self-confidence and causes problems related to digestion and obesity, as well as stomach, intestine and gallbladder diseases, in addition to the problem of understanding smell that is unpleasant and causes embarrassment. permanently.

With the development of science at the present time, the dental implant process has become an appropriate treatment for this problem. Through this process, roots are implanted for artificial teeth that are made of titanium in place of the teeth that are missing without feeling pain or complications, and screws are installed in the gums to prevent the fall of the teeth.

This operation is also considered one of the reliable and successful operations, although it is important to pay close attention to the doctor’s possession of sufficient experience and the necessary competence, in addition to cleaning the tools used and the quality of the teeth that will be implanted for you. It is known that the dental implant process begins with local anesthesia, and if necessary, general anesthesia is used, and thus the operation is performed without feeling pain.

The examinations are carried out a week after the dental implants are performed, as well as the removal of stitches. At this stage, what is known as osseous fusion, which is defined as the process of interconnection and fusion between the titanium implant and the bone, begins, and this stage takes three months.

But modernity in the medical field, and in the field of dental implants in particular, and the advanced techniques that are used, have contributed to finding doctors and men of science to solve various health problems.

before and after

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